Inagi City

Rental of AED

Last updated: January 12, 2024

The Inagi Fire Station lends out AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) free of charge for emergencies at festivals and sporting events where citizens gather.


A group in the city that can secure doctors, paramedics, or people who have completed the general lifesaving course 1 or higher


Please apply using one of the following methods.
・Download the application form and bring or mail it to Inagi Fire Department.
・After downloading the application form and entering the necessary information, attach the application form to (Inagi City Fire Department Headquarters Inagi Fire Department Police Department email address) and send by email.
・Apply using the input form from the QR code or external link below.
In either case, the process will go smoothly if you call us to confirm availability on your desired date before applying.
A usage report will be given to you when you rent the item, so please include the usage report when returning the item.

Move to the AED usage application form.

Photo of AED

weight   2.8kg
Size 26.5 cm wide, 10.0 cm high, 32.0 cm deep

Photo AED

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Fire Department Headquarters, Defense Division Phone: 042-377-7119