Last updated: February 26, 2019
"Inagi City Email Distribution Service" provides information to citizens from the following categories: "Notifications from Inagi City," "Event Cancellation Information," "Photochemical Smog Information," "Fire Information," "Other Disaster Information, etc." We will provide you with the information you want at any time. please register.
Attention: "Inagi-shi email delivery service" sends email from "". Please allow emails from this address.
If you would like to receive emails, please register from " Inagi City Email Distribution Service Registration/Change/Delete (External link) ".
Please see the PDF below for registration instructions.
When registering for the Inagi City email distribution service, you can select the type (category) of information you wish to receive. Please refer to the category details below and select the desired category.
You can view the contents of past emails sent using the Inagi City email distribution service from the following homepage (external link).
You can also view the mail delivery history from your mobile phone. Please use the following QR code from a mobile phone with a reading function.
Email delivery history QR code
Inagi City Planning Department, Secretariat and Public Relations Division Tel: 042-378-2111