Inagi City

Please tell me about the national pension premium exemption system.

Last updated: April 1, 2024

Application exemption

If you are unable to pay premiums due to economic circumstances, unemployment, natural disasters, etc., please use the “National Pension Premium Exemption System,” which exempts you from paying premiums if you apply and are approved.

Target audience

(1) Applicants, spouses, and householders whose previous year's income is below a certain level (2) Those who are receiving special disability benefits (3) Those who can confirm that they have been unemployed or suffered a natural disaster

Exemption category (divided into 4 levels according to the income of the applicant's household)

(1) Full exemption (1/2 of which is included in the pension amount)
(2) Three-fourths exemption (one-fourth of the insurance premium is paid and five-eighths is included in the pension amount)
(3) Half-price exemption (pay half of premiums, three-quarters of which is included in the pension amount)
(4) 1/4 exemption (pay 3/4 of insurance premiums, 7/8 are included in the pension amount)

approval period

(1) From July to June of the following year (The results of the examination will be notified by the Japan Pension Service at a later date.)
(2) The pension amount will be reduced according to the exemption category.
(3) Premiums can be paid retroactively up to 10 years ago (however, if additional payments are made for the third year or earlier, a certain additional amount will be added to the premiums at that time).

continuation application

An application is required every year, but those who wish to receive a full exemption from the following fiscal year onwards can continue to undergo the examination if the full exemption is approved. However, those who were approved for reasons such as unemployment or natural disasters must apply again for the following year.

Apply to

Fuchu Pension Office, City Hall Insurance and Pension Division, Hirao Branch Office, Wakabadai Branch Office Note: You can apply for exemption electronically from Mynaportal. Go to "You can apply for national pension procedures electronically (you can apply for them at any time using your smartphone or PC)"

What you need for the application procedure

(1) Identity verification documents (my number card, driver's license, etc.) and basic pension number notification or pension book (2) If you have lost your job, one of the following documents (copy acceptable)
“Employment Insurance Insured Person Separation Notice” “Employment Insurance Recipient Qualification Notification or Employment Insurance Qualification Recipient Certificate” “Notification of Loss of Employment Insurance Qualification”

Legal exemption

While receiving public assistance (living assistance) or a class 1 or class 2 disability pension, you can be exempted from paying all premiums by submitting a notification.

Target audience

Those receiving public assistance (livelihood assistance) or 1st or 2nd class disability pension

approval period

While receiving public assistance (livelihood assistance) or disability pension

Notification destination

City Hall Insurance and Pension Division

What you need for the application procedure

Identity verification documents (my number card, driver's license, etc.) and basic pension number notification or pension book, something that shows your basic pension number


Contact Information

Insurance and Pension Section Telephone 042-378-2111 Extension 142, 143
Fuchu Pension Office Zip Code 183-8505
Address 2-12-2, Fuchu-cho, Fuchu-shi
Telephone 042‐361‐1011

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Citizens Department Insurance and Pension Section Phone: 042-378-2111