Inagi City

Hirao branch office

Last updated: April 1, 2023

Main business

Branch offices handle only some of the following services. For details of each business, please check with the department in charge.
Regarding application and notification documents accepted at branch offices, most of them will only be kept, and the department in charge will handle the examination of the contents after forwarding the documents.
In addition, branch offices may not be able to provide detailed information about the system or provide consultation. Please note.
In addition to the main services listed below, we also handle other services.
Please contact us for more information.

Department in chargeMain tasks handled by branch offices
Citizen's DivisionResident registration for Japanese-only households, seal registration, issuance of copies of resident cards, seal registration certificates, and family register certificates (note: family register notifications are not accepted), matters related to My Number Cards (excluding issuance) , Distribution and reception of application forms for traffic accident mutual aid (a little mutual aid)
Insurance and Pension DivisionReceipt of notifications related to National Health Insurance, National Pension, medical care for the elderly, collection of national health insurance tax and medical insurance premiums for the elderly aged 75 or over, distribution of bank transfer forms, and acceptance of pay-easy bank transfers
Taxation DivisionIssuance of taxation certificates, tax payment certificates, fixed asset evaluation certificates, etc., receipt of municipal tax, property tax, light vehicle tax, distribution of account transfer forms, and acceptance of page account transfers
Elderly Welfare DivisionNotification reception desk about nursing-care insurance, storage of nursing-care insurance premiums, account transfer paper distribution, and pay-easy account transfer reception desk
Child care support sectionChild allowance, medical expenses subsidy for infants, notification reception for nursery schools, storage of childcare fees, account transfer form distribution, and page account transfer reception
Children and Youth DivisionReceipt of notifications regarding after-school clubs, etc., receipt of after-school club upbringing fees, distribution of bank transfer forms, and receipt of pay-easy bank transfers
Living Environment DivisionGarbage-related matters (distribution of diaper bags, volunteer bags, garbage recycling calendars, acceptance of applications for exemption from garbage bags, etc., installation of styrofoam trays, small electronic devices, ink cartridges, dry batteries, milk cartons, etc.)
School Affairs DivisionReceipt of notifications for elementary and junior high school students' enrollment, transfer, school assistance, etc., receipt of school lunch expenses, etc., and distribution of bank transfer forms
Health DivisionReception of notifications regarding registration of dogs, rabies vaccinations, etc.
Oyako Comprehensive Support Center DivisionReception of pregnancy notification and issuance of maternal and child health handbook


Zip code 206-0823 Hirao 3-1-1, Inagi City Hirao Residence 34 Building 1F

telephone number


fax number


Photo: Hirao Branch Office
Hirao Branch Office Pictures

Facility information

Open agency day

Weekdays (closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and from December 29th to January 3rd)

Office hours

8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Traffic access

From Kurihira Station on the Odakyu Tama Line, take the i-bus to Hirao Danchi and walk for 1 minute. From Shin-Yurigaoka Station on the Odakyu Line, take the bus bound for Inagi Station and get off at Hirao Danchi and walk for 1 minute. Parking is available for 2 cars.

Image Guide Map of Hirao Branch Office
Guide map of Hirao branch office

Inquiries about this page

Hirao Branch Office, Citizens Division, Inagi City Citizens Department Phone: 042-331-6346