Inagi City

Nagamine Elementary School

Last updated: April 1, 2023


2-8 Nagamine, Inagi City

telephone number


fax number


Photo Nagamine Elementary School

Our school was established as the third elementary school in the Tama New Town Inagi area. The school building is a two-story building that is designed to match the surrounding cityscape and is open to the community.
We have a large amount of green space, including a school forest including an orchard, clover fields, lawns, and green belts. In addition, as a resource-saving measure, rainwater is reused as flushing water for the toilets, and the building is designed with the environment in mind.
At our school, we actively promote "educational activities that value relationships with people" by leveraging our cooperation with the local community.
educational goals
Based on the spirit of respect for humanity and from the perspective of lifelong learning, we have established the following educational goals in order to develop strong children with a harmonious balance of intellect, virtue, and body.

Facility information

principal name

Tomohiro Tsuboi

nearest station

Keio Sagamihara Line Inagi Station/Wakabadai Station

Illustration Nagamine Elementary School Emblem

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Education Department Guidance Division Telephone: 042-378-2111