Last updated: December 19, 2024
Postal code 206-0804 2017 Hyakumura, Inagi City
9:00am to 10:00pm [Reservations]
Section (1) AM 9:00am to 12:00pm Section (2) PM 1:00pm to 5:00pm Section (3) Night 6:00pm to 10:00pm Note: Section (3) includes the time for returning the key.
To use the facility, you must register as a user group. Please refer to the Hyakumura Community Disaster Prevention Center User Guidelines and Notes (PDF: 121KB) created by the Hyakumura Jichikai, the designated manager, and submit the Hyakumura Community Disaster Prevention Center Facility User Group Registration Application Form (Excel: 20KB) directly to the Seven-Eleven Inagi Hyakumura Store (2115-17 Hyakumura, Inagi City), which is responsible for key management and application for use. Application forms are also available at the submission location. Please note that the designated manager will be responsible for screening the application, and the submission location will not be able to answer any questions.
Submit to: Seven-Eleven Inagi Hyakumura store
(1) Make a reservation and pick up the key at the 7-Eleven Inagi Hyakumura store.
(2) Reservations can be made up until the end of the month two months later.
Note: Please refrain from making reservations, inquiries, cancellations, etc. over the phone as this will place a burden on the store.
Hyakumura Neighborhood Association/Inagi City Fire Department Disaster Prevention Division (042-377-7119)
Inagi City Fire Department Headquarters Disaster Prevention Division Phone: 042-377-7119