Inagi City

"Inagi Pair Park" has opened in front of Inagi-Naganuma Station!

Last updated: March 27, 2019

On Sunday, March 24, 2019, we held the "Inagi Naganuma Station Park Opening Ceremony" to celebrate the completion of a new park in front of Inagi Naganuma Station.
The name of the new park is "Inagi Pair Park".

Part 1 Ceremony

Photo: Opening ceremony of Inagi Naganuma Station Park

At the ceremony, the park's nameplate, designed by Inagi-city resident mechanical designer Kunio Okawara, and the "Inagi Nashinosuke Clock Tower," donated by Soroptimist International of Inagi, were unveiled, and events were held by local residents, with approximately 600 people in attendance celebrating the park's completion.

Image Inagi Naganuma Station Park Opening Ceremony

We presented a letter of appreciation and a commemorative gift to Soroptimist International Inagi, who donated the ``Inagi Nashinosuke Clock Tower.''

Image Inagi Naganuma Station Park Opening Ceremony

We presented a letter of appreciation to Nanshin Kaihatsu Co., Ltd., which carried out the construction work for Inagi Pair Park.

Unveiling of the park nameplate and Inagi Nashinosuke Clock Tower

Image Inagi Naganuma Station Park Opening Ceremony

Image Inagi Naganuma Station Park Opening Ceremony

At the unveiling ceremony, the "Park Name Board" and "Inagi Nashinosuke Clock Tower" were unveiled.
Thanks to this donation, "Inagi Nashinosuke Clock Tower" has been installed in front of all stations along the JR Nambu Line in Inagi City (Yanoguchi Station, Inagi Naganuma Station, Minamitama Station).

Part 2 Events by local people

Image Inagi Naganuma Station Park Opening Ceremony

Image Inagi Naganuma Station Park Opening Ceremony

In the second part, there will be events by local people, including Japanese drums by Inagi Taiko, Ohayashi by Seiyu Hayashi Preservation Society, kids dance by Dance Team KQJ, Yanoguchi Ondo Dance Succession Society, Akisakura Society, and Daimaru Women's Society. The performance of Tokyo Olympics Ondo -2020- was performed by , which excited the venue.

Thank you to everyone who participated and cooperated in holding the "Inagi Naganuma Ekimae Park Opening Ceremony."

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Planning Department Planning Policy Division Phone: 042-378-2111