Inagi City

1 Koyodai West District (former: Koyodai District)

Last updated: September 27, 2019

From September 27, 2019, the name of "Koyodai District District Planning" was changed to "Koyodai West District District Planning".


Xiangyang Tai West District District Planning

Image Photo of Xiangyangtai West District
Xiangyang Taixi District Pictures


Inagi City Oaza Hyakumura Aza 3, Aza 6 and Aza 8, Koyodai 3-chome, 4-chome and 5-chome, and Nagamine 1-chome


About 54.6 hectares

Plan/plan drawing

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Town Development Planning Division Telephone: 042-378-2111