Inagi City


Last updated: December 15, 2007

Business of the city during the year-end and New Year holidays

Year-end city crime prevention patrol December 18, 2007 (Tuesday) from 6:00 p.m.

2007 Award to those who have contributed to the city administration

Living Festa in Kasayato Let's increase consumer power and local power Let's reconsider food and environment

welcome! To the Fureai space Friend Hirao Festival

Are you throwing away recyclables as garbage? Let's start with what you can do to reduce waste.

6th I (Ai) Town Eel Citizen Festival (Festival) Free shuttle bus service October 27, 2007 (Saturday), October 28, 2007 (Sunday)

Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign From September 21, 2007 (Friday) to September 30, 2007 (Sunday) This city, this road runs with kindness

Disaster Prevention Day September 1, 2007 (Saturday) Disaster Prevention Week August 30, 2007 (Thursday) to September 5, 2007 (Wednesday) Let's think again Disaster prevention measures that can be taken immediately

3 Days of Friendship 6th I (Ai) Town Eel Citizen Festival (Shimin Festival) October 26, 2007 (Friday) to October 28, 2007 (Sunday)

Prepare for “what if” on a daily basis! Establishment of self-help/mutual assistance and regional cooperation Regional disaster prevention training September 1, 2007 (Saturday) 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Koyodai Elementary School

Inagi Citizen Charter Promotion Day in Yomiuriland Thursday, July 26, 2007

House of Councilors election Sunday, July 29, 2007, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Nursing care insurance is supported by society as a whole, with everyone paying premiums.

Maintain a healthy and lively life with preventive care

Did you know? Advocacy Consultation Office Aiming for better relationships of trust

Announcement of financial status for the second half of FY2006

Mayor Ryoichi Ishikawa begins his 5th term to promote efficient administrative management and attractive town development

Child allowance/child development allowance system

Inagi City Council Election/Inagi Mayoral Election Your vote will lead to tomorrow, April 22, 2007 (Sunday), 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

FY2019 budget overview

Statement of Philosophy for 2007: Towards the realization of Inagi, a city of citizens surrounded by greenery and filled with friendship.

Tokyo gubernatorial election I will decide the future of Tokyo. Sunday, April 8, 2007

Let's all keep it clean Tama River Cleanup April 1, 2007 (Sunday)

Don't extinguish the fire of caution in your heart. Spring fire prevention campaign

Women and Men Forum Inagi 2007 Courage to Change Courage to Change

File your tax returns early

Prepare for an earthquake at home or at work in case of an emergency! January 17th is Disaster Prevention and Volunteer Day

Inagi City Mayor Ryoichi Ishikawa

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Planning Department Secretariat and Public Relations Division Telephone: 042-378-2111