Inagi City

Fourth Inagi City Lifelong Learning Promotion Plan Inagi Ai Plan

Last updated: March 31, 2023

Fourth Inagi City Lifelong Learning Promotion Plan

In 1996, Inagi City formulated the "Inagi City Lifelong Learning Promotion Plan" (Inagi Ai Plan), which has the basic philosophy of "self-actualization, coexistence, and Inagi-ness," and promotes collaboration between citizens and the government. We have established the foundation for lifelong learning projects.
The ``Fourth Inagi City Lifelong Learning Promotion Plan'' inherits the human resources, structure, soil, and spirit of ``love, interact, and learn'' that were carried out in the first to third plans, and takes into account the times. The plan is to promote lifelong learning town development by citizens and the government in response to issues.

Basic Goals

“Community development where citizens can play an active role”

planning period

5 years from 2020 to 2020
The “Fourth Inagi City Lifelong Learning Promotion Plan” can be viewed at the following locations.

Fourth Inagi City Lifelong Learning Promotion Plan

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Education Department Lifelong Learning Division Tel: 042-377-2121