Inagi City

Call for Paintings "Inagi, where I live in 2030" (closed)

Last updated: August 12, 2020

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The city is creating a long-term comprehensive plan to decide what kind of urban development will be carried out in Inagi City over the 10 years until 2030.

We are looking for paintings to be included in the new long-term comprehensive plan booklet.

Please draw your vision of Inagi in 2030.

Contents of painting recruitment

 This is the application form required for submission. It doesn't matter which one you use.

Qualification requirements

Those who live, attend school, or work in the city

painting theme

Choose from 5 themes (fields)

  1. A town where everyone can shine through growth and learning (in the fields of childcare, education, and culture)
  2. A city where everyone can live healthy lives in the community (Health, medical care, and welfare fields)
  3. A vibrant city surrounded by water and greenery (environment, economy, tourism)
  4. A safe city where everyone can live comfortably and with peace of mind (in the areas of urban infrastructure development, firefighting, and crime prevention)
  5. A sustainable citizen town created by everyone (civic/administrative field)

picture size

Plane works from A5 (148 x 210 mm) to A4 size (210 x 297 mm)

Note: Paper and art materials are acceptable, but works with uneven surfaces will not be accepted.
Note: If you are creating data, please be sure to print it out before applying.

How to submit

Mail or bring the application form attached

(Mail address) Postal code 206-8601 Inagi City Hall Planning Policy Division Long-term comprehensive planning staff (delivered by postal code)
(Bringing counter) Inagi City Hall 5th floor Planning Policy Division counter

You can use either application form.

Application deadline

Arrived on Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Selection method

The Inagi City Long-Term Comprehensive Planning Agency will select one to two works from each of the five fields and publish them in the Inagi City Long-term Comprehensive Plan booklet.


Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Planning Department Planning Policy Division Phone: 042-378-2111