Inagi City

Adaptation system-related forms

Last updated: December 9, 2019

Please fill in the necessary information in the following documents and submit one copy.

Please print it out and bring it to the counter.
Note: Please print on plain paper and print size A4.
Thermal paper for thermal printers cannot be accepted.

Application form

If there are changes

If there is a change in the activity location, participants, content, etc., please submit a change notification form to the city. After submission, we can change agreement contents after discussion with city.

When to stop an activity

If you wish to cease your activities, please submit a cancellation request form to the city. After submission, you can cancel your agreement with the city.
Note: When canceling the agreement, please restore the management location to its current state.

activity report

After starting your activities, please write down the activity status for one year in an activity report and submit it to the city by the end of May every year.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Greenery and Environment Division Telephone: 042-378-2111