Inagi City

Support for disaster victims (post-fire procedures)

Last updated: March 25, 2024

These documents are necessary for those who have suffered damage from a fire.

About the disaster declaration form

1 A disaster declaration form is a document used by those who have suffered damage from a fire in Inagi City to report the circumstances of the disaster to the fire department.
2 Documents to be used for declaration are “real estate damage declaration form” and “movable property damage declaration form” depending on the building or property that was damaged by the fire.
and “vehicle/ship/aircraft accident declaration form.”
3 When receiving the fire disaster declaration form, if it is found that it differs significantly from the results of the fire cause investigation, you may be asked to make amendments.
4 Please do not write down the cost of refilling a fire extinguisher on the declaration form, as indirect damage caused by an accident is not included in the scope of a fire damage investigation by a fire department.
5 The disaster declaration form must be submitted to the Inagi Fire Department within approximately 7 days from the date of the disaster or the day the fire department became aware of the fire.
6 Please be sure to check the example entry before filling out the disaster declaration form.

disaster declaration form

Example of filling out disaster declaration form

About disaster certificate

- A disaster damage certificate is issued by a fire department to certify the damage to buildings etc. that have been damaged by fire.
・ A disaster damage certificate may be required when filing a fire insurance claim, applying for tax reductions, etc.
Please check with each institution to see if a disaster damage certificate is required.
Note: Only fires that have been reported to the fire department can be certified as fires.
You can't prove what you don't have.
Note: Disaster certificates for other disasters (earthquakes, wind and flood damage, etc.) will be issued by the Taxation Division of the Citizen Affairs Department of Inagi City Hall.

Disaster certificate application form

Example of filling out disaster certificate application form

Submission method

1 Common matters (1) Please check with the Inagi Fire Department before submitting.
(2) Please check in advance to see if the Inagi Fire Department is already aware of the disaster situation.
2 By submission method (1) When submitting at the counter Please bring the disaster declaration form you wish to submit and submit it to the Inagi Fire Department Prevention Division Prevention Section.
(2) By mail: Please put all disaster declaration forms you wish to submit in an envelope, etc., and mail it to the Inagi Fire Department.
(3) If applying electronically, please apply using your My Number Card from the Myna Portal Perfect Service site below.

Search for procedures↓
(1) Select city/ward: Select Inagi City, Tokyo ↓
(2) Set search conditions: Check the category and select disaster victim support ↓
(3) Please select the procedure for which you declared or applied.

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Mynaportal Pittari Service Procedure Search/Electronic Application

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Fire Department, Prevention Division Phone: 042-377-7119