Inagi City

(9) General gymnasium meeting room (Nagamine area)

Last updated: February 27, 2014

due date

Friday, November 8, 2013

Q&A overview

Contents of question Answer
Regarding the development of a multipurpose plaza with Nagamine sports facilities (tentative name), the current planned site may be in the educational area. In the original new town concept, there was a plan to use the site as a school site, but the situation has changed and there is no designated use zone for city planning.
(1) I hear that the land was reclaimed from a valley, but is it safe?
(2) It appears that surveys of pollutants are carried out by the bidder after the construction bid is completed, but is this method really appropriate? How about a procedure in which the UR (land owner) conducts an investigation and determines safety after construction begins?
(3) There is a possibility that water containing pollutants is gushing out of the Kasayato River.
Regarding the issue of the final disposal site, it is generally known where and what is buried. The city's position is to lease the land from UR and make effective use of it, assuming that it can be used safely. The current plan has been reached after a long period of research and discussion by experts (water quality surveys, etc. were conducted before the current plan).
(1) I would like schools to conduct tests to measure radioactive substances in school lunches by lowering the detection limit (both cesium-134 and cesium-137 below 5 becquerels).
(2) Regarding the development of Minamiyama, there seems to be a plan to build a 40 meter embankment in Yato, but is it safe? Natural disasters such as torrential rains have occurred frequently in recent years, but are there any preparations for such disasters?
(3) The destruction of nature is progressing and it is heartbreaking. I would like you to protect the nature that exists in Inagi now and pass it on to your children and grandchildren.
(4) There is a possibility that the soil has been contaminated due to the acceptance of disaster debris for wide-area processing, so I would like an investigation to be conducted (request has already been made to the Environment Division).
We will listen to your opinions as opinions. We receive the same questions from many different people, and they all give the same answers. Please rest assured that the answers will be the same as before.
Regarding the development of the Nagamine Sports Facility and Multi-Purpose Plaza (tentative name), the residents of Nagamine have been claiming about safety. We have discussed this at previous town meetings and received the answer that it is fine. However, when we inquired about the matter to the City Hall Sports Division recently, we were passed around from one department to another and were told that there are no plans to conduct any ongoing investigations into safety. As residents, even if the place is safe, we would like the investigations into safety to continue and we would like to see a more flexible response and review. We would like cooperation so that the land can be used safely.
(1) The monitoring survey is ongoing, and I would like you to continue this.
(2) I would like the city hall to set up a counter where people can talk about this issue.
(3) Regarding safety, we would like to consider a system for watching over the land for a long period of time by concluding agreements and pledges, centered on the ability to exchange information immediately in the event of a large-scale disaster or other special situation, and we would appreciate your cooperation in doing so.
(1) Regarding the monitoring survey, it is not true that it has ended. The land is rented after confirming its safety with UR, the owner of the land, and we are asking UR to continue monitoring. We plan to continue this in the future.
(2) From now on, I would like to assign a person in charge of this matter as before, so that we can continue to exchange information.
(3) I would like to make a request to UR from now on. We would like UR, the city, and residents to exchange information and confirm safety before using the land.
Regarding the monitoring survey that UR has been continuing, will Inagi City, which is leasing the land, request that UR continue the survey? The city's position is that it will lease the land only after confirming its safety, and will maintain it. It has requested a monitoring survey from UR (and has received a response from UR regarding the safety of the leased land). Although the contract does not specify what will happen beyond the 10-year lease, that does not mean that it will not be done. As long as the land is to continue to be leased, it will be requested that a monitoring survey be conducted (it is our belief that UR should be the one to conduct the survey). UR and the city must discuss how to conduct future monitoring surveys.
He was a member of the Nagamine land use review committee. The review committee's report states that continuous monitoring will be carried out, so I would like to see that implemented. As I answered earlier. I will consider it.
As for Nagamine Elementary School, I would like Nagamine Elementary School to be designated as a medical aid station in the event of a large-scale disaster, since Nagamine is far from Inagi Daigo Junior High School. Please be aware that there is a limit to the number of doctors available at medical aid stations, and that the current response is to set up a medical aid station for each junior high school district. Supplies such as medicine are being distributed at each evacuation center.
Thefts of bicycles and motorbikes, as well as excessive pranks, are occurring frequently within the housing complex. I would like to see more patrols in the city. Report such damage to the General Affairs Division. If possible, I would like you to report the damage to the police each time it occurs. Regarding crime prevention, we are working with various organizations to voluntarily carry out crime prevention activities. I would also like to ask local residents' associations to take self-defense actions.

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Inagi City General Affairs Department Secretary Public Relations Division Phone: 042-378-2111