Inagi City

No. 7 Open a health plaza

Last updated: May 14, 2012

(Published in the May 15, 2012 issue of Public Relations Inagi)

 The heated pool and health promotion facility that residents have been waiting for will finally open on May 28, 2012. On the previous day, the 27th, we will hold a preview for the public, so please come and see us.
Details on how to use each facility and fees are listed on page 1 of this paper, but prices are set according to age group, and there are discounts for senior citizens who present a Silver Pass.
We will also sell coupons for each facility. It's a prepaid card, and you can use it 11 times for the price of 10, and it can also be topped up, so please take advantage of it.
In addition, we will also sell commuter passes with no number or time restrictions, so if you are a heavy user, please consider purchasing them. Please note that commuter passes have discount rates within the city.
At Health Plaza, in addition to the basic menu, you can receive various paid services from Owens Co., Ltd., the designated manager.
As a health management support service, in collaboration with city hospitals, we provide various classrooms (all classes) for the purpose of preventing diseases, improving physical condition, preventing nursing care, and establishing exercise habits as programs tailored to the health condition and exercise needs of each participant. 8 to 12 times).
In addition, studio classes and pool classes will be held in one session (60 minutes) for the purpose of improving health, child-rearing support, full body exercise, etc. to make them easier to use. Childcare services are also available at the "Mom's Shape Up Exercises" class.
Additionally, we will hold health seminars that will help you think about your own and your family's health.
The Health Plaza we are opening this time will continue to play a pioneering role as a facility attached to a hospital/health checkup center.
We look forward to welcoming as many customers as possible to serve as a base for interaction between people from various regions and generations.

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Inagi City Planning Department Secretariat and Public Relations Division Telephone: 042-378-2111