Inagi City

No. 45 Appointed as Chairman of the Special Committee for Waste Disposal Measures

Last updated: August 15, 2015

(Published in the August 15, 2015 issue of Koho Inagi)

Currently, there are 813 cities (including special wards) nationwide, and there is an organization called the National Association of Mayors in which all mayors and ward mayors belong. Due to the revision of the Local Autonomy Law in 1963, this organization became a national coalition organization of mayors and reported to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications (now the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications). In addition to conducting surveys and research on local administration and finance, it also serves as a contact point for discussions between the national and local governments in cooperation with prefectural governors' associations, town and village associations, prefectural chairpersons' associations, city council chairpersons' associations, and town and village assembly chairpersons' associations. I'm here.
Since it is too large to be active in a national organization on a regular basis, there are branch units in blocks as subordinate organizations. Tokyo belongs to the Kanto branch, and as a constituent organization, there are mayors associations in each prefecture.
With the unified local elections held this year, there was a large-scale personnel change for each position. On April 28, 2015, at the general meeting of the Tokyo Mayors' Association, I was elected to the Special Committee on Waste Disposal of the National Association of Mayors, taking over from my predecessor, Mayor Machida. It was my first experience being elected as a member of the National Association of Mayors, and when I braced myself for the first meeting on June 9, 2015, I was handed the baton by the Chairman of the Committee, the Mayor of Kitahiroshima City, Hokkaido. I was.
To be honest, I was still hesitant to take on the role of chairman as I am still in my second term. We are determined to fulfill this heavy responsibility.
In addition, along with the appointment of chairman this time, he was nominated as a member of the Policy Promotion Committee in the National Association of Mayors, and was also a director of the board of directors, a councilor of the board of trustees, a member of the social education committee, and a countermeasure against the declining birthrate. I will also be appointed as a member of the study group on child-rearing support, and it seems that I will be even more busy.
On the other hand, I was commissioned to be a member of the Central Environment Council of the Ministry of the Environment, and belonged to the Comprehensive Policy Subcommittee and the Recycling Society Subcommittee.
At a time when "sustainability" is a keyword in various administrative fields, the realization of a recycling-oriented society is not just an environmental issue.
I will do my best so that I can contribute to the town development of Inagi City by taking on these positions and my future experiences.

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Inagi City Planning Department Secretariat and Public Relations Division Telephone: 042-378-2111