Inagi City

Wide area issuance of copy of resident's card

Last updated: April 1, 2020

Thanks to the Basic Resident Register Network System (Basic Resident Registration Network System), you can now receive a copy of your resident card at any municipal office in Japan. This is called "wide-area issuance of copies of resident cards."

person who can claim

・The claimant himself/herself
People from the same household as the claimant

Note: Claims cannot be made by people from another household or by third parties.

Billing location/time

billing place

  1. City Hall 1st Floor Citizens Division
  2. Hirao branch office
  3. Wakabadai branch office (i plaza 1st floor)

Reception time

From 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays when the city hall is open

Items required for billing

Documents verifying the identity of the claimant

Please present one of the following documents (within the expiration date).

  1. My number card (requires entry of PIN)
  2. Basic Resident Registration Card (PIN must be entered)
  3. A document issued by a public office with a photo attached, such as a driver's license or passport

*The name, address, and date of birth listed on the identity verification document must be the latest (must match the resident registration).
*My Number Card and Resident Registration Card are limited to those currently in use.


 300 yen (1 copy)

Contents of copy of resident record in wide area issuance

The contents are almost the same as a copy of the resident card issued by the municipality of residence, but for Japanese residents, family register information will not be recorded .
Caution: Removed resident cards and pre-altered resident cards cannot be obtained.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Citizens Division, Citizens Division Phone: 042-378-2111