Inagi City

We installed a nameplate of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Last updated: March 24, 2022

We installed a nameplate commemorating the holding of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games bicycle road race

A nameplate was installed at Inagi Central Park (near the whale monument), which was the course for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games bicycle road race. Please take a look when you come to Inagi Central Park.

Nameplate overview (photo)

the whole front

name board surface
Nameplate face

[Nameplate text]
The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games cycling road race was held on July 24th and 25th, 2021. Road racers from around the world gathered, and on the 24th, 126 men and 67 women on the 25th raced from the starting point, Musashino no Mori Park, to the finish line, Fuji Speedway (Shizuoka Prefecture).
On both days, the race began in earnest in Inagi City after passing Koremasa Bridge, the official starting point. Approximately 300 course supporters, who are citizen volunteers along the 6.9km course in Inagi City, were in charge of running the competition, such as setting up the course and directing traffic, and supported the fierce competition of the athletes running through the city.
In addition, at the Inagi Central Park General Gymnasium, Inagi City held the “Tokyo 2020 Games Community Live Site in Inagi,” where the cycling road race was broadcast live. It was an opportunity for many people to watch and experience the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games throughout the day, including competition experiences and stage performances.

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Peripheral appearance

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Sports Promotion Section, Industry, Culture and Sports Department, Inagi City Phone: 042-378-2111