Inagi City

We created a PR poster for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Cycling Road!

Last updated: July 1, 2020

We posted poster advertisement on Keio Line and JR Line (until July 31, 2020)

With the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games cycling road as an opportunity, 8 cities (Inagi City, Fuchu City, Chofu City, Mitaka City, Koganei City, Tama City, Hachioji City), which are bicycle passing municipalities in Tokyo for the purpose of promoting the Tama area・Machida City) created a PR poster.
It is a content that wishes for the end of the new coronavirus and the success of the Tokyo 2020 Games.

It is posted on the windows inside the trains of the Keio Line (excluding the Keio Inokashira Line) and JR (Chuo Line Rapid, Nambu Line, Tsurumi Line) trains.
The notice period is from July 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020.

Please take a look when you get on the train.

picture poster

Inquiries about this page

Sports Promotion Section, Industry, Culture and Sports Department, Inagi City Phone: 042-378-2111