Inagi City

Educational consultation

Last updated: May 23, 2024

What is educational counseling?

The Educational Counseling Room is a place where you can work with psychology and education experts to find solutions to your worries and concerns at home and school.
Parents can be consulted over the phone or face-to-face in the consultation room, and children can be consulted through storytelling and play.
We will keep the confidentiality of the consultation.

Who can consult

These are elementary and junior high school students living in Inagi City and their parents.
Consultations for parents only are also available.

Note : If you are not an elementary or junior high school student or their guardian living in Inagi City and have any inquiries regarding Inagi City elementary or junior high school students, please contact the Education Department Guidance Division at 042-378-2111 (main line).

Consultation content

Have you ever had this happen to your child?

Parents, do you have any of these concerns?

How to consult

telephone consultation

We also accept consultations over the phone for those who wish to consult over the phone or who are unable to come to the office for some reason.
Main phone number: 042-378-2110

Office consultation

Parents will be interviewed for consultation, and children will be consulted through play as well as interview consultations.

Note : If you apply by email, please let us know your name, contact information, and the times when you are available (Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm). We will call you back.
Note : You can discuss the location of the consultation with your counselor.
Educational Counseling Room (Friend Hirao)
Postal Code: 206-0823
Address: 1-9-1 Hirao, Inagi City, Friend Hirao Complex, 4th floor Telephone: 042-331-6686
Educational Counseling Office (Daimaru)
Postal Code: 206-0801
Address: 607-2 Daimaru, Inagi City, Toei Inagi Apartment Building 17, 1st floor (within the Development Support Center Annex)
Phone: 042-378-2110

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Education Department Guidance Division Telephone: 042-378-2111