Inagi City

Who is enrolled in the National Pension?

Last updated: April 1, 2024

National pension members are divided into the following four types, and the burden of insurance premiums differs.

No. 1 insured person

Self-employed people living in Japan aged 20 to 60, students, workers engaged in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, unemployed, etc. (those who are not second or third insured persons). I will pay the premium myself.

No. 2 insured person

People who are enrolled in workplace pensions (employee pensions), such as company employees and civil servants.
Even if you are under 20 years old or 60 years old or older, if you enroll in the Employees' Pension, you will become a Category 2 insured person under the National Pension.
The insurance premium is split 50/50 between the employer and the insured person, and the insured person's portion is deducted from his/her salary.

No. 3 insured person

A dependent spouse of a Category 2 insured person aged 20 to 60.
The insurance premiums are covered by the employee's pension plan in which the spouse is enrolled, so there is no need for the individual to pay the insurance premiums.
In addition, the spouse's insurance premium will not be increased as the insurance premium for Category 3 insured persons.

Voluntary subscribers from age 60

Those who have reached the age of 60 but have not yet fulfilled the 10-year eligibility period, or those who wish to approach the full pension amount, can voluntarily enroll in the National Pension System until the age of 65.
In addition, those born before April 1, 1965, who cannot meet the pension eligibility period even after reaching the age of 65, can voluntarily enroll in the pension plan until they reach the age of 70. .

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Citizens Department Insurance and Pension Section Phone: 042-378-2111