Inagi City

Read-aloud video now available

Last updated: September 23, 2021

From the Inagi City Library, we will deliver a lot of videos that can be enjoyed by parents and children, such as picture story storytelling.
Please take a look!

Inagi's Old Tale Paper Shibai "Lion with its Tongue Pulled Out"

Screenplay "Inagi no Mukashibanashi Revised Edition" (published by Inagi City Board of Education)
picture   Volunteer mandarin oranges produced by Inagi City Library

Inagi's Old Tale Paper Shibai "Myoken-sama Appearing on a Blue Dragon"

Screenplay "Inagi no Mukashibanashi Revised Edition" (published by Inagi City Board of Education)
picture   Inagi City Library Production Volunteer Mandarin Orange Reader Inagi City Library Storytelling Volunteer Chick

Inagi's Old Story Paper Shibai "Sakahama's First Chicken (Ichibandori)"

Screenplay "Inagi no Mukashibanashi Revised Edition" (published by Inagi City Board of Education)
picture   Volunteer mandarin oranges produced by Inagi City Library

Inagi's Old Story Paper Shibai "Koushi Chogoro"

Screenplay "Inagi no Mukashibanashi Revised Edition" (published by Inagi City Board of Education)
picture   Inagi City Library Production Volunteer Mandarin Orange Reader Inagi City Library Storytelling Volunteer Chick

Inagi's Old-fashioned Paper Shibai "Kappa"

Screenplay "Inagi no Mukashibanashi Revised Edition" (published by Inagi City Board of Education)
picture   Inagi City Library Production Volunteer Mandarin Orange Reader Inagi City Library Storytelling Volunteer Chick

Inagi's Old Tale Paper Shibai "Dorokujin"

Screenplay "Inagi no Mukashibanashi Revised Edition" (published by Inagi City Board of Education)
picture   Volunteer mandarin oranges produced by Inagi City Library

Inagi's Old Tale Paper Shibai "Kamigakari no Doji and Tenjin-sama"

Screenplay "Inagi no Mukashibanashi Revised Edition" (published by Inagi City Board of Education)
picture   Volunteer mandarin oranges produced by Inagi City Library

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Education Department Library Division Telephone: 042-378-7111