Inagi City

Restrictions on some library services due to air conditioning renovation work at the Third Library

Last updated: September 27, 2024

Due to air conditioning renovation work at the Third Library, some library services will be restricted during the following period.
During construction, it will be impossible to view materials (including magazines) or use the internet PCs in the library.
For details, please visit the city library website .

Services not available

- Viewing materials in the library (including magazines)
・Use of internet PCs ・Use of copy machines

Services available

・Reservation of materials, pick-up of reserved materials, return of materials ・Request for materials ・Reference ・Reading newspapers (located in the Third Cultural Center lobby)
・Use of the material search machine (OPAC) and reading passbook machine Note: During construction, materials held in the Third Library cannot be reserved.
Note: Opening days and hours (10:00-17:00) will remain unchanged.
Note: The Lap Story Time (Wednesdays from 10:30am) will be held in the Japanese-style Room on the second floor of the Third Cultural Center.

Restriction period

From October 1st (Tuesday) to late December (planned)

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Education Department Library Division Telephone: 042-378-7111