Inagi City

Book Start Present a picture book at the health checkup for 3- to 4-month-old children

Last updated: April 1, 2021

Enjoy picture books with your baby

Bookstart presents a picture book with the message "Please enjoy the picture book with your baby" at the 3-4 month health checkup held at the Inagi City Health Center so that all babies can become familiar with picture books at home. business.

▽ Target: Children living in Inagi City who are 3 to 4 months old and undergoing a health checkup. Please contact us.

Image Huddle picture logo mark
Book start logo

You can choose one picture book of your choice.

Note 1: Listed in alphabetical order (left to right) by book name.
Note 2: Braille picture books are available for parents and children with special needs.

Image Peek-a-boo picture book
Inai Boa (Miyoko Matsutani, Written by Yasuo Segawa, Illustrated by Doshinsha)

Picture book of Gatangoton Gatangoton
Gatangoton Gatangoton (Anzai Mizumaru/Saku) Fukunkan Shoten

picture squeak squeak squeak picture book
Kyuk Kyuk Kyuk (Akiko Hayashi, Saku)

Well then, then, biribiri (written and illustrated by Noriko Matsui) Kaiseisha

picture book
Put it on (Miyoko Matsutani, Written by Kei Tokoji, E) Doshinsha

Picture Pyon's picture book
Pyon (written and illustrated by Matsuoka Tatsuhide) Poplar Publishing

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