Inagi City

The history of Sakahama Acacia Bunko and Sakahama Honjo

Last updated: August 18, 2023

At that time, the Sakahama district was far from the city center, so children had few opportunities to read books, and those who wanted to read had to take the city bus, which ran only once or twice an hour. I had no choice but to go to the library.
In order to overcome this situation, the local neighborhood association, PTA, etc. have taken the lead in creating a reading environment for the children of Sakahama and giving them the opportunity to read good books. A campaign to create a community library was underway in the district, and the prefabricated building that had been used as a temporary clinic for a municipal clinic happened to become vacant, so after negotiations with the city, the Sakahama Acacia Bunko was opened in 1978.
Later, in 1995, in order to take over the book collection of Sakahama Acacia Bunko and to ``improve a reading environment that includes a place for local children,'' the city library opened a space in the Sakahama Community Disaster Prevention Center as a distribution center for the city library. Sakahama Headquarters was opened in Muro.
Since then, it has been open once a week, but in 2015, a school library revitalization promoter (school librarian) was assigned to Inagi Daini Elementary School, and in 2021, a library management system was introduced. As the library has been improved and Sakahama area residents have become accustomed to using the i-Plaza Library, the number of users of the book distribution center has decreased significantly. It will be closed in 2018.
We have summarized the history of Sakahama Acacia Bunko and Sakahama Handbook Office on the Inagi City Library homepage.
You can view it from the link below.

Image Sakahama Headquarters Entrance
Sakahama Headquarters Entrance

Image Acacia Bunko Shelf
acacia library shelf

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Inagi City Education Department Library Division Phone: 042-378-7111