Inagi City

Information on Inagi IC College

Last updated: November 17, 2023

Inagi IC College (Interactive Community) is a citizen university run by students, instructors, volunteer directors, lifelong learning division staff, and others who interact with each other.

General Education Course and Professor Course

Since October 2003, we have been holding general education courses "for citizens, with citizens serving as instructors," and since October 2007, we have been holding professor courses, mainly taught by teachers from nearby universities.

Recruiting instructors

Inagi IC College is looking for instructors to give lectures. We welcome applications from citizens for the general education course, and from those with university teaching experience for the professor course.


A major feature of the college is that the college is run mainly by volunteer directors.

home page

Inagi IC College (external link)

Inquiries about this page

Lifelong Learning Division, Education Department, Inagi City Phone: 042-377-2121