Inagi City

Special lecture "Watching the Winds Blowing Across the Galaxy" & Professor Lecture Introduction Event for October (July 28, 2024)

Last updated: July 30, 2024

Part 1 Special Lecture: "Watching the Winds Blowing Through the Galaxy - The World Seen by the X-ray Astronomy Satellite XRISM"

We will be welcoming Professor Makoto Tashiro of Saitama University, who is the head of XRISM research, to give a lecture.

Planning lectures

XRISM is Japan's seventh X-ray astronomy satellite, developed by JAXA in collaboration with NASA and ESA and to be launched from the Tanegashima Space Center in September 2023. It has been developed since 2018 in response to global expectations as an orbital observatory to succeed the short-lived ASTRO-H (Hitomi). What new world of X-ray astronomy will XRISM show us through ultra-high resolution spectroscopy?
In addition to reporting on the current status of observations, we will also introduce the difficulties that led to the launch, including international joint development during the pandemic.

Part 2: October Professor Lecture Introduction Event

The 35th "Professor Course" will begin in October, where anyone can practice "learning is fun" in their local community. At this event, the lecturers who will be appearing will come and promote the course face-to-face. (For lecturers who are absent, a pre-recorded video will be shown.) This will also be an opportunity to take courses in new fields, so please come to the venue.

October Course List
  Course name  
1 I wish we could do something like this: Life science takes on medical treatment Kiyoko Fukami, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
2 Deciphering the world depicted in the Kojiki Sun Shih-Wei Assistant Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
3 Learn and use "Easy Japanese" - Japanese that foreigners can understand Naomi Yanagida, Professor, Waseda University
4 Were Edo families good at raising children? Motoko Ohta, Professor Emeritus, Wako University

Learn more about modern social life in China

Sun Weiwei, Lecturer, Tokyo University of Social Welfare
6 Introduction to inheritance law for smooth inheritance Michiko Ishii, Professor Emeritus, Meiji University
7 Easy to understand genetics Shinya Koizuka, Professor, Tamagawa University
8 The linguistic situation in Spanish-speaking countries Kazuyoshi Koike, Professor Emeritus, Takushoku University
9 Changes in the view of the universe: How has humanity viewed the universe? Yoshihiko Mizumoto, Professor Emeritus, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

date and time

Sunday, July 28, 2024
Part 1: 1:00pm to 2:30pm (doors open at 12:30pm)
Part 2: 2:30pm to 3:45pm Note: There will be no break between Part 1 and Part 2. Please take restroom breaks as needed.


Central Cultural Center (Hall)


300 people (no application required)



Contact Information

Inagi IC College Secretariat (Inagi City Board of Education Lifelong Learning Division)
Phone: 042-370-2822 (Tuesday to Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm)

Inquiries about this page

Lifelong Learning Division, Education Department, Inagi City Phone: 042-377-2121