Inagi City

Inagi City Host Family Volunteer Bank

Last updated: April 24, 2024

The city has a foreign resident population of over 1,800, and various international exchange activities are taking place. Why not register as a host family through the Inagi City Host Family Volunteer Bank, a pre-registration system for people who can accept homestay guests, and interact with foreigners?

Image Photograph of the Inagi City International Exchange Commissioned Project
Exchange at the Inagi City International Exchange Consignment Project

Photo of Inagi Handmade Citizen Festival
Interacting at the Inagi Handmade Citizens Festival


Registration requirements

Those who meet all of the following (1) Those who understand the purpose of international exchange and wish to actively participate in activities (2) Those who live in the city (3) The representative must be 20 years of age or older and have the consent of all family members. (4) Those who strive to create a comfortable and safe homestay environment by providing rooms, etc., and who are willing to treat homestay visitors with sincerity.

acceptance method

When the city or the city board of education accepts homestay students, they select host family candidates from among the registrants and contact them.

Registration method

Please submit the Inagi City Host Family Volunteer Registration Application to the Collaboration Promotion Section of the Citizen Collaboration Division. Registration applications are available at the Citizen Collaboration Division, each branch office, and each cultural center, or you can download the PDF file below.

Available date and time

From 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. of open agency day


(1) The contents and conditions of homestays vary from case to case, so please contact us when you have approached your host family.
(2) As a general rule, activities are unpaid, and the city does not bear any expenses.
(3) Personal information received during registration will not be used for any purpose other than introducing host family volunteers.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Industry, Culture and Sports Department, Citizen Collaboration Division Phone: 042-378-2111