Inagi City

Notice of Inagi City Specific Infertility Treatment Medical Cost Subsidy Program

Last updated: July 17, 2024

Inagi City will subsidize the cost of infertility treatment that is not covered by medical insurance for people under the age of 45 (no limit on the number of times).


In January 2020, Tokyo began providing subsidies for "advanced medical care" performed when receiving in vitro fertilization and microinsemination under insurance.

1. Subsidy recipients (those who meet all of the following requirements)

rabbit illustration

  1. Those whose resident cards of both spouses are in Inagi City from the date of treatment start to the date of subsidy application (including common-law marriages)
  2. Those who have been diagnosed by a doctor as having no or very little chance of becoming pregnant with treatments other than in vitro fertilization or microinsemination.
  3. Those whose treatment start date is after April 1, 2022 and whose age is less than 45 years old on the first day of the start date

Please note that in the following cases, we cannot support the cost of infertility treatment.

  1. In the case of infertility treatment by donating sperm, eggs and embryos from a third party other than a married couple (including common-law marriage)
  2. Infertility treatment by a surrogate mother
  3. In the case of infertility treatment with borrowed belly
  4. If you receive infertility treatment by methods outside the scope of "medical insurance" and "advanced medical care" (regardless of whether medical insurance is applied)

2. Subsidized treatment and subsidized amount

If you receive a series of infertility treatments that fall under any of the following (1) or (2) among (in vitro fertilization) and (microinjection), which are covered by medical insurance and advanced medical care, we will subsidize them.

(1) Combined with medical insurance covered treatment [advanced medical treatment (not covered by medical insurance)]

If a person falls under the target age and number of subsidies (Note 1) for which medical insurance for infertility treatment is applied, and receives "advanced medical treatment (not covered by medical insurance)", the maximum amount is 30,000 yen per treatment (Note 2). (If advanced medical expenses are less than 30,000 yen, up to that amount).
(Note 1) Medical insurance will cover up to 6 treatments per child if the woman is under 40 years old at the time of treatment initiation, and up to 3 treatments per child if the woman is over 40 years old and under 43 years old.
(Note 2) The method of counting one time is based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Specified Infertility Treatment Expenses (Advanced Medical Care) Subsidy Project ((1) only).

Illustration during fertility treatment consultation

(2) [Self-pay medical treatment] (unlimited number of times, under 45 years old)

Up to 30,000 per time for "self-financed medical care" and "advanced medical care (if implemented)" due to exceeding the age and number of times restrictions in (1) above, which are covered by medical insurance for fertility treatment. Provide yen subsidies (unlimited number of times).

Note: The continuum of fertility treatment refers to the process of performing fertility treatment from "egg retrieval" or "thawing the embryo" for frozen embryo transfer to "confirmation of pregnancy" etc.
Note: It is not possible to apply for the above (1) and (2) in duplicate for one treatment.

3. Medical institutions

(1) [Advanced medicine]
A medical institution that has received notification or approval as a medical institution that provides "advanced medical care" that can be used in combination with medical care covered by insurance. Please check with the institution.

(2) [Self-pay medical treatment]
Registered facility of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

4. Application procedure

subject Documents to be submitted

(1) Application for [advanced medical care]
(2) Apply for [self-pay medical treatment]

1. Inagi City Specified Infertility Treatment Medical Expense Subsidy Application Form (Medical Expenses for Advanced Medical Infertility Treatment, etc.) (Form No. 1)

2. Inagi City Specified Infertility Treatment Medical Consultation Certificate filled out by the attending physician (medical expenses for advanced medical infertility treatment, etc.) (Form No. 2)
Or a copy of the certificate submitted to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for specific infertility treatment expenses (advanced medical care) subsidy project (can be submitted only when applying for medical insurance)

3. Inagi City Specific Infertility Treatment Medical Expense Subsidy Claim Form (for advanced medical infertility treatment, etc.) (Form No. 4)

(1) Apply for [advanced medical treatment] 4. A copy of the specific fertility treatment expenses (advanced medical care) subsidy approval decision notification issued by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government

(2) When applying for [Self-financed medical care] for the first time, or (2) When applying for [Self-financed medical care] for the second time or later, and when there is a change in marital status from the time of the previous application

□a Legal marriage (living together and one of the spouses is the head of the household)
…5. Resident's card note: Not necessary if check is entered in B.
□ b. Legal marriage (other than a above (separate in the city, each spouse is the head of the household, etc.))
6.Certificate of all registered matters (original)
□c.De facto marriage… 7.Certificate of all matters in the family register (original) of each couple, and
Petition signed by both husband and wife (explanatory note)
Note: Any form that states that "two people are in a common-law relationship" and "will to acknowledge the child born as a result of treatment"

Note: Application forms 1 to 4 can be distributed at the Oyako Comprehensive Support Center or downloaded from the city website. Also, when applying by mail, please enclose a submission check sheet (for medical expenses such as advanced medical infertility treatment).

(2) Application period

(1) Apply for [advanced medical treatment]
The day when the Tokyo Metropolitan Government decided to approve the specific infertility treatment (advanced medical treatment) subsidyDeadline for application to the city (must arrive)
April 1st to December 31stUntil March 31 of the following year
January 1st to March 31stUntil June 30th of the same year
(2) Apply for [self-pay medical treatment]
End date of treatment                       Deadline for application to the city (must arrive)
April 1st to December 31stUntil March 31 of the following year
January 1st to March 31stUntil June 30th of the same year

(3) Where to apply

At the Parent and Child Comprehensive Support Center counter (8:30am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 5:00pm on business days) or by mail Note: When you come to the counter, please bring proof of your bank account details.
Note: Please send the document to the Inagi City Comprehensive Parent and Child Support Center, 112-1 Momomura, Inagi City, 206-0804.

Information leaflet for specific infertility treatment

Download application form/invoice

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Child Welfare Department Oyako Comprehensive Support Center Phone: 042-378-3434