Inagi City

Inagi City Family Support Center Project

Last updated: August 19, 2024

About the Inagi City Family Support Center Project

The Inagi City Family Support Center project is a mutual support activity in which people who want to receive assistance with child-rearing (user members) and people who want to provide assistance with child-rearing (user members) support child-rearing in the community.
We can help with picking up and dropping off children and providing short-term care.

For more details on the programs, please see the "Inagi City Family Support Center Program Information."


Those who wish to receive assistance with childcare (user members)
Parents who live in Inagi City and have children between 4 months and 6th grade

Those who wish to provide childcare assistance (active members)
Anyone aged 20 or over who lives in Inagi City and is willing to help with child-rearing. Note: You must attend a training seminar to become an active member before you can participate in activities.

It is possible to become both a user member and an active member.

How to Use

1. Make a reservation by phone or email to the Inagi City Family Support Center Secretariat, visit the center, receive an explanation of how to join, and then register as a member. (Annual membership fee: 500 yen. Renewed every April.)
Note: Active members must attend a training course before registering as members.
2. Advisors from the Inagi City Family Support Center Secretariat will coordinate and introduce active members based on the member's request, desired usage time, etc.
3. The user members and activity members will hold a preliminary meeting to confirm the content of assistance, usage time, etc., and then begin activities.

 Depending on the activity, it will be held in a member's home, a public facility, or somewhere else where children's safety can be ensured.
You can also use the Koyodai play area. For details, please see the flyer below.

Usage fee

day of the week, etc. Utilization time Usage fee (per person per hour)
Monday to Friday 6:00AM to 8:00AM 1,000 yen
8:00am to 8:00pm 900 yen
8pm to 10pm 1,000 yen
Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, New Year's holidays (12/29 to 1/3) 6:00AM to 8:00AM 1,100 yen
8:00am to 8:00pm 1,000 yen
8pm to 10pm 1,100 yen

Note: Single-parent families, households receiving welfare benefits, households exempt from municipal tax, households with double care responsibilities, families with disabled children or multiple births, etc. may use the service between 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Note: In addition to the above fees, meals, transportation, etc. may be charged separately.
Note: If multiple children from the same household are placed with the same member, the fee will be half the price for each child from the second child onwards.

About subsidy projects, assistance projects, etc.

For members

Subsidies for Inagi City Family Support Center Usage Fees <br id="3"/>The city will subsidize part of the usage fees for those experiencing poor health after childbirth, those giving birth to multiple babies, those receiving welfare, low-income households, and households raising children with disabilities.
For details of the project, please see "Information on Inagi City Family Support Center Fee Subsidies."
For inquiries, please contact the Play Area Project Section of the Parent and Child Comprehensive Support Center Division at 042-370-0106.

Benefits from free early childhood education Under the "free early childhood education and childcare" program, the city will pay the usage fees to those who have been certified for childcare by the city.
For inquiries, please contact: Childcare Support Division, Childcare and Kindergarten Section, Tel: 042-378-2111

For active members

Family Support Meister Project
The city will provide additional activity fees to active members who complete the 24-hour training course and are certified as Family Support Meisters.
For more information, please see the flyer below.
For inquiries, please contact the Play Area Project Section of the Parent and Child Comprehensive Support Center Division at 042-370-0106.

Subsidy for transportation costs etc. for active members of the Family Support Center <br id="3"/>In order to reduce the burden of transportation costs etc. on active members, the city will partially subsidize transportation costs etc.


  1. The actual cost of using public transportation (trains, buses, etc.) to travel between the member's home and the activity start (end) location
  2. Traveling by car to the start (end) location of an activity that is more than 2km away on foot from the member's house, and parking in a parking lot within the recognized usage area (within 1km of the activity location) (maximum 600 yen) 


  1. When using public transportation, travel from the home of the active member to the start (end) location of the activity must be made at the cheapest fare according to the activity time, and must not deviate from the route. However, if the member continues traveling after the activity is completed to help other members, the transportation costs will also be covered.
  2. Either the start or end location of the activity must be within the city, and the range of the start (end) location of the activity must be within the city or an adjacent city (Tama City, Fuchu City, Chofu City, Tama Ward of Kawasaki City, Asao Ward of Kawasaki City).
  3. This is not a transportation fee that the member will bear as part of the usage fee.

      Note: Transportation costs to be paid by the member as part of the fee: Transportation costs incurred during the activity Gasoline and parking fees if the member uses their own car for the activity

For inquiries, please contact the Play Area Project Section of the Parent and Child Comprehensive Support Center Division at 042-370-0106.

Contact for inquiries regarding membership applications and activities

The Inagi City Family Support Center Office is always available to accept applications for membership and explain the activities. Please make a reservation by phone or email and come to the Inagi City Family Support Center Office.
The membership application form can be downloaded from the following page.

Inagi City Family Support Center (Inagi City Council of Social Welfare) (external link)

Inagi City Family Support Center Secretariat 7 Momomura, Inagi City, Inagi City, Japan Phone: 042-378-5551 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm)

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Child Welfare Department Playground Koyodai Phone: 042-370-0106