Inagi City

today's good

Last updated: March 20, 2023

What kind of work is involved in elementary school? -Let's see what kind of jobs are available according to the school timetable of the day.

Morning: Coming to school (Tsugakuro Tenken)

Every year, teachers and teachers make sure that the school route you take from home to school is safe so that you can go to school safely. I am investigating with my father and mother to see if there is any danger.

1st hour: Health checkup (medical checkup)

I am preparing for the health checkup that is held from April to June every year.
We are also preparing for the school health checkup that everyone will take before entering elementary school.

2nd period: Music (equipment maintenance)

The instruments in the music room and the instruments here are also available.
In addition, we have prepared tools for use in science experiments.

3rd period: Physical Education (Facility Management)

One of my jobs is to arrange the school grounds, the gymnasium, and the swimming pool where physical education classes are held so that they can be used safely.
The school building is also being inspected and repaired to see if it is broken or outdated.

4th period (jikanme): Japanese (textbook selection)

Out of all the textbooks used in class, think about which textbooks will be fun and allow you to study a lot, and send them to everyone. I'm here.
We also have the desks and chairs that we use in our classrooms.

Lunch: School lunch (school lunch joint kitchen)

The menu is prepared in the school lunch joint kitchen so that everyone can eat delicious lunches and grow up healthy and strong. After eating, the dishes are washed clean in the school lunch communal kitchen and stored so that they can be used the next day. increase.

5th period: Safety classroom (Safety classroom)

In cooperation with the police and local people, we are conducting classes so that everyone can live safely and securely.

What kind of work do you do outside of school?

Central Education Counseling Room, Friend Hirao Counseling Room

We have opened an Education Counseling Room where you can consult when you are worried about your school or your friends.

Cultural Center

The Cultural Center is a facility where a community center, a children's center, a schoolchildren's club, a library, etc. are gathered. At the community center, children study in groups, and at the children's center, they hold handicraft classes such as plastic van making and dodgeball tournaments.


There are 6 libraries in the city, where you can borrow books and hold storytelling sessions.