Inagi City

About health

Last updated: August 30, 2013

What kind of place is the Health Center?

From children to adults, I work so that everyone can live in good health, both physically and mentally.

what are you doing

Health promotion

We offer consultations on health and nutrition, as well as exercise and cooking classes.
We also conduct various examinations, such as checking for cancer and measuring the strength of bones.

Maternal and child health (boshihoken)

The health and well-being of mothers with babies in their wombs and mothers who have just given birth to babies I am watching the health of the children.
I also offer child-rearing consultations and create opportunities for exchanges between mothers and fathers.


Immunization is the act of taking medicine or receiving an injection to build a body that is resistant to disease.
At the health center, we issue announcements so that many people can receive safe vaccinations,
We are creating a mechanism that can be received conveniently.

other (ta)

We have a classroom where you can teach how to register and care for dogs that everyone cares about. .
In addition, we hold festivals where everyone from children to adults can have fun and learn about health. I'm doing it.

Inagi Fureai Health and Medical Festival Photos
Inagi Fureai Health and Medical Festival