Inagi City

Admission to elementary school (first grade of new elementary school)

Last updated: August 29, 2024

For children entering a new elementary school in April 2025, please complete the necessary procedures according to the dates below.

School health checkup

Health checkups for children entering elementary school in April 2025 will be conducted at elementary schools in the child's school district.
This health check-up is conducted to check your child's physical and mental health before they start school, and to provide necessary health advice and guidance.
Parents of eligible children will be sent a notification by mid-October specifying the examination date, examination location, etc.
(Please note that notifications will be prepared based on the list as of October 1st, so they will be sent out in October.)

Schedule for health check-ups at the time of enrollment (for students planning to enroll in April 2025)

Venue (location)  Implementation date Reception time
Inagi Daiichi Elementary School Tuesday, November 12 1:30pm - 2:10pm
Inagi second elementary school November 5th (Tuesday) 1:45pm-2pm
Inagi third elementary school Tuesday, November 19th 1:30pm - 2pm
Inagi fourth elementary school Friday, October 25 1:30pm - 2pm
Inagi sixth elementary school Monday, October 21 1:30pm - 1:50pm
Inagi Seventh Elementary School Tuesday, October 29th 1:30pm - 2pm
Koyodai Elementary School November 8th (Friday) 1:40pm - 2:10pm
Shiroyama Elementary School Tuesday, October 22 1:45pm-2pm
Nagamine Elementary School Friday, November 29th 1:15pm - 1:45pm
Wakabadai Elementary School Friday, November 15 1:30pm - 2pm
Hirao Elementary School Friday, November 22 1:30pm - 2pm
Minamiyama Elementary School November 1st (Friday) 1:30pm - 2pm

Note : Please be sure to contact the Academic Affairs Section of the Academic Affairs Division on or after Friday, October 11, 2024 in the following cases:

  1. When you don't receive notifications
  2. When you cannot see the doctor on the specified date and time
  3. When you have decided to enroll in a private or national elementary school, etc., and do not undergo a medical examination in Inagi City due to reasons such as a medical examination being conducted at the school you are planning to enroll in.


Notice of school attendance

The Board of Education will send a school enrollment notice to families with children entering elementary school in April 2025 during January 2025 .
The enrollment notice will be required to be submitted to the school at the entrance ceremony, so please keep it in a safe place.
In addition, please contact the Academic Affairs Section of the Academic Affairs Division immediately in the following cases:

  1. When you do not receive a notice of enrollment
  2. When you move or move out after receiving a notice of enrollment
  3. When entering a private or national elementary school

Briefing session schedule before entering elementary school

Around February 2025, we will hold a school information session for parents of children who will be entering municipal elementary schools in April 2025.
Once the dates have been decided, we will announce them in our public relations materials and on our website.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Education Department Student Affairs Division Phone: 042-378-2111