Reiwa 5th year
Last updated: February 25, 2024
Menu for 2020
The menu list is divided into ``elementary school'' and ``junior high school''. In addition, because we provide food allergy-friendly meals, the allergy details are divided into "normal food" and "food allergy-friendly food." In order to let everyone know more about school lunches, we have also posted a menu list with furigana.
April 2020
[Elementary school] April menu table introduction (PDF: 1,173KB)
[Junior high school] April menu table introduction (PDF: 1,171KB)
[Furiganatuki] April menu table introduction (PDF: 166KB)
[Normal food] April allergy details (PDF: 171KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] April allergy details (PDF: 170KB)
May 2023
[Elementary school] May menu table introduction (PDF: 740KB)
[Junior high school] May menu table introduction (PDF: 752KB)
[Furiganatuki] May menu table introduction (PDF: 195KB)
[Regular meals] May allergy details (PDF: 205KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] May allergy details (PDF: 204KB)
June 2020
[Elementary school] June menu table introduction (PDF: 773KB)
[Junior high school] June menu table introduction (PDF: 771KB)
[Furiganatuki] June menu table introduction (PDF: 200KB)
[Regular meals] June allergy details (PDF: 214KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] June allergy details (PDF: 214KB)
July 2020
[Elementary school] July menu table introduction (PDF: 1,108KB)
[Junior high school] July menu table introduction (PDF: 1,106KB)
[Furiganatsuki] July menu table introduction (PDF: 161KB)
[Normal food] July allergy details (PDF: 163KB)
[Food Allergy Meals] July Allergy Details (PDF: 163KB)
September 2020
[Elementary school] September menu table introduction (PDF: 1,023KB)
[Junior high school] September menu table introduction (PDF: 1,020KB)
[Furiganatuki] September menu table introduction (PDF: 197KB)
[Normal food] September allergy details (PDF: 205KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] September allergy details (PDF: 207KB)
October 2020
[Elementary school] October menu table introduction (PDF: 1,338KB)
[Junior high school] October menu table introduction (PDF: 1,336KB)
[Furigana Natsuki] October menu table introduction (PDF: 198KB)
[Normal food] October allergy details (PDF: 206KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] October allergy details (PDF: 205KB)
November 2020
[Elementary school] November menu table introduction (PDF: 855KB)
[Junior high school] November menu table introduction (PDF: 853KB)
[Furiganatsuki] November menu table introduction (PDF: 181KB)
[Normal food] November allergy details (PDF: 204KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] November allergy details (PDF: 204KB)
December 2020
[Elementary school] December menu table introduction (PDF: 1,219KB)
[Junior high school] December menu table introduction (PDF: 1,211KB)
[Furigana Natsuki] December menu table introduction (PDF: 170KB)
[Normal food] December allergy details (PDF: 183KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] December allergy details (PDF: 182KB)
January 2020
[Elementary school] January menu table introduction (PDF: 1,132KB)
[Junior high school] January menu table introduction (PDF: 1,129KB)
[Furiganatuki] January menu table introduction (PDF: 171KB)
[Normal food] January allergy details (PDF: 182KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] January allergy details (PDF: 183KB)
February 2020
[Elementary school] February menu table introduction (PDF: 922KB)
[Junior high school] February menu table introduction (PDF: 919KB)
[Furiganatuki] February menu table introduction (PDF: 197KB)
[Normal food] February allergy details (PDF: 206KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] February allergy details (PDF: 205KB)
March 2020
[Elementary school] March menu table introduction (PDF: 1,027KB)
[Junior high school] March menu table introduction (PDF: 1,025KB)
[Furiganatuki] March menu table introduction (PDF: 171KB)
[Normal food] March allergy details (PDF: 179KB)
[Food allergy-friendly food] March allergy details (PDF: 178KB)
Inquiries regarding this page
Inagi City Education Department School Lunch Division Tel: 042-377-8904