Inagi City

How to live while recuperating in your familiar home even if you need nursing care

Last updated: June 23, 2020

In such a situation, if you want to "stay at home", "stay at a facility", or "stay there until the end of your life", home medical care is an option.

At a symposium for citizens to learn about home medical care, we interviewed those who experienced it

Photos Civic Symposium
January 19, 2nd year of Reiwa Symposium for Citizens "How to live in your own home even if you need nursing care"

Mr. A (resident in the city)

Image Elderly illustration

My husband's father suffered from cerebral infarction and dementia. "I want to die in the house my wife and I built, drinking and smoking as I please, while living with my close friends," he said. When it becomes difficult to go to an outpatient clinic on your own due to bad legs, use home medical care such as home visit dentistry. While I was at home, I was able to spend valuable time talking to the person about their future plans. I spent my last days at the facility, but all the staff were kind and let me spend my time as I liked. I am very grateful.

Mr. B (resident in the city)

Image Elderly illustration

I used home medical care and nursing care services for 10 years until my mother died at home. He had been in and out of the hospital repeatedly due to chronic heart failure, etc., but he liked spending time at home and could not get used to hospitalization and inpatient life. Although she was working full-time, she continued her mother's home care with the support of visiting doctors, helpers, nurses, friends, etc., after obtaining information on home medical care and nursing care from the doctor who visited the hospital and the care manager in charge. I was able to During my home recuperation, my mother was able to attend her grandson's wedding thanks to the help of the home medical and nursing care team, who arranged her fluids and medications and provided her with a wheelchair that she could use for long periods of time.

By using the physical disability certificate (cardiac disease), I did not have to pay for medical insurance. About two years before he passed away, he used helpers, etc., and in the end, he also used services not covered by long-term care insurance (self-funded helpers), so it took a long time.

At the end of my life, I contracted shingles and was in a lot of pain, but the visiting doctor prescribed medicine to reduce the pain. I had a great time and it was very helpful.

Mr. C (resident in the city)

image bathing illustration

Experienced caring for my 88-year-old mother. He is told that his lung cancer has recurred and that he has a short life expectancy. She was hospitalized, but her mother wanted to stay at home so that she could be with her severely intellectually disabled daughter (Ms. C's older sister). I went to the hospital to get medicine prescribed, but it was hard to go to the hospital with my sister and mother. When I went to the local pharmacy to get some medicine, I asked the pharmacist about home care and decided to receive home care services.

The only way to go to the hospital was by taxi, and it cost tens of thousands of yen just for the round trip. Even considering the burden of getting my sister ready and moving with my mother, I didn't feel the cost of having her come to my house was expensive.

Home medical care is available 24 hours a day, even late at night. The examination was thorough and I had no concerns. Just before he died, a visiting helper helped him with excretion and bathing. Especially for bathing, I am grateful because it was difficult for me to do it on my own. I remember my mother looking very happy to be able to take a long-awaited bath.

Do you know home medical care?

Image Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Do you know home medical care?" leaflet
Reference: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Do you know home medical care?" Leaflet

Live your own way until the end ~Recommendation for home care~Short version (Video sponsored by Tokyo Metropolitan Government)

Please utilize Inagi-shi home medical care cooperation map

Medical institutions and nursing care service offices are grouped together for each of the four areas in Inagi City. Please use it when you use home medical care and nursing care.

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Image Inagi City Home Medical Care Cooperation Map
Inagi City Home Medical Care Cooperation Map

Inquiries and consultations about home medical care

Regional Comprehensive Support Center Hirao (Sakahama/Hirao area) Telephone 042-331-6088
Community Comprehensive Support Center Yanokuchi (Oshidate/Yanoguchi area) Phone: 042-370-2202
Community Comprehensive Support Center Elegant Momura (Daimaru, Higashinaganuma, Hyakumura area) Telephone 042-379-5500
Community Comprehensive Support Center Koyodai (Koyodai, Nagamine, Wakabadai districts) Telephone 042-370-0040
Inagi Home Medical and Nursing Care Consultation Room Inagi City Medical Association Phone 042-377-4964
Community Support Section, Elderly Welfare Division, Inagi City Hall Telephone 042-378-2111

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111