Inagi City

Senior Citizen Business Trip Hairdressing Service Discount Coupon

Last updated: June 19, 2023

Target audience

Persons aged 65 or over living in the city who have been bedridden at home for a long period of time and require nursing care.
Note: Excludes those who are hospitalized or staying in a facility.

usage period

Until March 31, 2024

Number of copies distributed

Up to 10 tickets per person (1,000 yen x 10 tickets)
Note: The number of sheets varies depending on the application date.

Application method

Please apply at the Elderly Welfare Division, Hirao branch office, or Wakabadai branch office.
Note: Please refer to the list below for available shops.

Application Form

Please print and apply the file below.

Contact Information

Elderly Welfare Division Elderly Welfare Section Telephone 042-378-2111 (extension number 223)

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111