Inagi City

Midori Club Oshitate Takasago Club

Last updated: August 22, 2022


Representative: Eiko Uehara
Contact: 042-377-4976
Constituent area: Oshidate Number of members: 55 (male 26, female 29)
Membership fee: 1,500 yen per year

Event/activity details (2020 activity results)

Events and activities

Number of participants

event date open time Activity place
ground golf

20 people

Every Tuesday and Saturday from 8:30 am Tamagawa riverbed
Healthy gymnastics 15 people

2nd and 4th Mondays

2pm to 4pm Oshitate Fureai Hall
security patrol 23 people

1st and 2nd Wednesdays 3rd Thursdays and 4th Tuesdays

From 2:30 pm. 3rd Thursday from 3pm

Oshidate district centered around Daiyon Elementary School
Karaoke course 25 people

1st and 3rd Fridays

2pm to 5pm

Oshidate Autonomy Hall

Beautification movement 42 people 1st Sunday

Summer: from 7:30 am

Winter: from 8am

Shimamori Shrine,

Two children's squares

Shigin no Kai

Every Wednesday

from 9:30 am

Oshidate Autonomy Hall
hobby club   1st Tuesday

1:30pm to 4:00pm

Oshidate Autonomy Hall

fun party   3rd Tuesday

noon to 3pm

Oshidate Autonomy Hall

Fukiya no Kai  

2nd and 4th Fridays

10am to 12pm

Oshidate Autonomy Hall

nursery rhyme singing party   4th Tuesday noon to 3pm Oshidate Autonomy Hall
Exchange with Daiyon Elementary School 20 people 3-4 times a year    
General education course 25 people 1-2 times a year    
study trip 30 people twice a year Day trips in spring, overnight stays in autumn  
Regular meeting 45 people About 4 times a year    
Participation in city-sponsored projects   1-2 times a year    

Club PR

 Through fun club activities and social service activities, we aim to create “better human relationships,” “health,” and “bright and spiritually rich lives” through cooperation with everyone.
I would like to contribute to the creation of a local community that does not leave people alone even as the town ages.
In the summer of 2020, Oshidate-Takasago-kai was awarded a letter of appreciation and a medal from the Superintendent General for its long years of crime prevention activities.

Image Certificate of Appreciation
Superintendent General Letter of Appreciation

image medal

Photo Crime prevention patrol group 1
Security Patrol Group 1

Photo Crime prevention patrol team 2
Crime prevention patrol 2nd group

Photo Crime prevention patrol team 3
Security Patrol Group 3

Photo Crime prevention patrol team 4
Crime prevention patrol Team 4

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111