Inagi City

Inagi Housing Complex Midori Club Fukujukai

Last updated: August 22, 2022


Representative: Hideo Inoue

Contact: 090-8511-5964
Composition area: Daimaru, metropolitan housing complex Number of members: 54 (male: 15, female: 39)
Membership fee: 1,500 yen per year

Event/activity details (2020 activity results)

Events and activities Number of participants event date open time Activity place
karaoke 15 people every Friday from 1pm Second meeting place
Handicraft 10 people

every Thursday

from 1pm

Second meeting place

folk song 10 people

every Friday

from 1pm

Second meeting place

round dance 15 people

Every Wednesday

from 1pm

Second meeting place

rhythmic gymnastics 20 people

every Monday

from 1pm

Second meeting place

Shogi 10 people

every Sunday

from 10am

Second meeting place square

ground golf 8 persons Irregular  

Second meeting place

security patrol 12 people 12th of every month from 7pm within the district

Club PR

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111