Inagi City

Midori Club Yanoguchi Daiichi Kotobukikai

Last updated: August 22, 2022


Representative: Takayuki Hanai
Contact: 042-377-7800
Area: Yanokuchi North Number of members: 54 (8 men, 46 women)
Membership fee: 1,200 yen per year

Events and activities (scheduled for 2020/implemented jointly with Daini Kotobukikai)

Event/Activity Number of participants event date open time Activity place
ground golf 20 people Every Monday and Thursday 8:30 am to 10:00 am Back of Nakajima Hakusan Shrine

ring toss

8 persons

1st and 3rd Mondays

from 10:30 am

Self-government hall 1F

boccia 15 people

2nd and 4th Tuesday

1pm to 3pm

Self-government hall 1F

karaoke 20 people every Saturday

12:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Second Cultural Center (jointly with Daini Kotobukikai)

park cleaning


Children's Square (2 places)

security patrol

10 to 20 people

15 times a year   within the region

Exercises to prevent falls and fractures

15 people

Every Wednesday

1pm to 3pm

Self-government hall 1F

Travel (spring, autumn)

15 to 20 people

June, October

  Kanto area

first visit of the year to a shrine

15 to 20 people



Kanto area

New Year's party, year-end party

40 to 50 people


Self-government hall 1F


11 people

Regular once a month

from 10:30 am

Self-government hall 1F

Event holding countermeasures meeting

11 people    

Self-government hall 1F

Events other than the above, general meetings, training for participation in entertainment competitions, cooperation in local activities (beautification campaigns, athletic meet, Yanoguchi Keirokai, etc.)

Club PR

We are active with the motto of the club for the elderly, health exercises, getting along with everyone, living a meaningful life, helping each other, and contributing to society.

Image State of ground golf
ground golf

Image: Exercises to prevent falls and fractures
Exercises to prevent falls and fractures

Image State of dance

Image Karaoke scene

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111