Inagi City

Announcement of patrol visit of local comprehensive support center

Last updated: December 28, 2021

The Regional Comprehensive Support Center is a commissioned institution of the city that receives various consultations on nursing care, medical care, and welfare from the elderly and their families.
Throughout the year, they patrol the areas they are responsible for, providing consultations and providing information on local resources as appropriate.
Present your ID when visiting.

Area in charge of Regional Comprehensive Support Center
Responsible area Name address telephone number
Sakahama/Hirao Inagi City Regional Comprehensive Support Center Hirao 2-49-20 Hirao, Inagi City 042-331-6088
Oshidate/Yanoguchi Inagi City Regional Comprehensive Support Center Yanokuchi

1659-4 Yanoguchi, Inagi City
Streamside Suzuki 1F

Daimaru, Higashinaganuma, Hyakumura Inagi City Regional Comprehensive Support Center Elegant Momura 255 Hyakumura, Inagi City 042-379-5500
Koyodai/Nagamine/Wakabadai Inagi City Regional Comprehensive Support Center Koyodai 3-4-4 Koyodai, Inagi City 042-370-0040

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-2111