Inagi City

Nursing care support volunteer system quiz test (2nd grade answers)

Last updated: September 6, 2012

This is a level 2 answer. If you can solve 6 or more questions, you can brag to everyone.


1 correct answer C

(Explanation) Nursing care support volunteers are targeted at Inagi City's first insured persons (65 years of age or older). Please note that you must register in advance with the Inagi City Social Welfare Council, which is the governing body.

2 correct answer B

(Commentary) Inagi pears have been cultivated since the Genroku era, and after undergoing various breeding improvements, they have become a popular Inagi specialty product. Just like pears, which have a long history of longevity, we named the notebook ``No Worries About Health (Pear) Notebook'' with the hope that you can live a healthy and healthy life forever.

3 correct answer A

(Explanation) Nursing care support volunteer activities are ``social participation activities'' that elderly people can participate in based on their own will and without difficulty.

4 Correct Answer C

(Explanation) According to a notice from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, it has been clarified that, at the discretion of municipalities, it is possible to carry out projects that promote nursing care support volunteer activities as community support projects.

5 Correct Answer C

(Explanation) Calculating the cost benefit from the incidence of need for nursing care for those who are active as nursing care support volunteers and those who are not active, it is expected to have the effect of lowering nursing care insurance premiums by about 6.0 yen per month.

6 correct answer A

(Explanation) For those who have earned 5,000 points or more through nursing care support volunteer activities, up to 4 people (including the earner and his/her family) will be eligible for a special plan to watch the Tokyo Verdy match at Ajinomoto Stadium for free. We invite you.

7 Correct Answer C

(Commentary) As of the end of March 2012, there are three participants who are over 90 years old.

8 Correct Answer A

(Commentary) As of the end of March 2012, the number of registered participants is 468, with approximately 1 in 30 elderly people participating.

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Inagi City Welfare Department Elderly Welfare Division Tel: 042-378-2111