Inagi City

About the cost subsidy for mumps vaccination (optional vaccination)

Last updated: April 1, 2024

Inagi City is providing partial subsidies for the cost of mumps vaccination.

Eligible participants (2024 fiscal year)

The following children are registered as residents of Inagi City on the day of vaccination:
For the first vaccination: Children aged 1 to 2 years
For the second vaccination: Children in the year before entering elementary school (older children) and for whom more than two years have passed since the first vaccination. Note: This does not apply to those who have already received two doses of the mumps vaccination or who have previously had mumps.

Grant period (2024 fiscal year)

From Monday, April 1, 2020 to Monday, March 31, 2020

Subsidy amount

Up to two subsidies of 3,000 yen per person.
Note: Those who have already received one mumps vaccination at their own expense will be subsidized up to one time.
Note: Those who only have a preliminary examination are excluded from the subsidy.

Subsidy method

(1) "Information about cost subsidy" and "subsidy ticket (and vaccination ticket)" will be installed at designated medical institutions in the city. Please make an appointment and visit the designated medical institution directly. Note: Application to the city is not required.
(2) At the designated medical institution, please read the "Notice Regarding Expense Subsidy" carefully, fill in the necessary items on the "subsidy ticket (cum-vaccination pre-examination form)", and present your identification documents and maternal and child health handbook at the counter.
(3) Please pay the difference between the vaccination cost set by the designated medical institution and the subsidy amount to the designated medical institution.


Designated medical institutions in Inagi City (as below)
Note: If you wish to receive the vaccination at a medical institution outside the city due to unavoidable circumstances, you will need to apply in advance, so please contact the Health Center. Please note that inquiries regarding out-of-town vaccinations should be made after the start date of the subsidy.

Precautions when receiving vaccination

At a designated medical institution in Inagi City, you will receive a "[Optional Vaccination] Information on Inagi City Mumps Vaccination Cost Subsidy" along with the "subsidy ticket (cum-vaccination pre-examination form)". Please read in advance, fully understand the necessity of vaccination and side effects, and be sure to get vaccinated.

Relief system for health damage caused by vaccination

Mumps vaccinations are treated as optional vaccinations not based on the Vaccination Act. If this vaccination causes health damage such as illness requiring hospitalization or disabilities that significantly limit daily life, you will be eligible for relief under the Drug Adverse Reaction Relief System under the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency Act. In addition, the National Association of Mayors' Vaccination Accident Compensation Insurance may apply. First, please contact the Inagi City Health Division (Health Center).

About mumps and the mumps vaccine

Mumps is an infectious disease that affects a wide range of people from infants to adults. The problem with this infectious disease is that it causes complications at a high frequency regardless of age. From infancy to school age, it is complicated by (1) aseptic meningitis, (2) acute pancreatitis, and (3) sensorineural hearing loss. In particular, sensorineural hearing loss is statistically reported to occur in 1 in 500 to 1,000 affected patients, and is also a major factor in treatment-resistant acquired fistulas.

In addition, when affected in adulthood, orchitis and oophoritis are highly likely to be complicated, and it is also cited as a cause of infertility afterward.

Thus, mumps is an infectious disease that affects not only children but all life stages.
By receiving the mumps vaccination, you can reduce the risk of contracting and developing mumps.

Inquiries about this page

Health Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City Telephone: 042-378-3421