Inagi City

We deliver Inagi City environmental video (YouTube)

Last updated: September 27, 2021

This year, we created a video about the popular "Cicada Emergence," which was one of the most popular environmental lectures held every year, jointly with the city and the citizens' group "Shiroyama Tocologist's Association."
The cicada emergence season is over, but it will be a commentary video of the mysterious cicada emergence and simple ecology. The video is posted on the official YouTube of Inagi City. If you are interested, please watch and subscribe to the channel.

Introduction of "Shiroyama Topologist's Association"

Using Shiroyama Park in Inagi City as a field, nature observation sessions are held every month with the theme of creatures that can be seen in the park (currently suspended to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections).
In addition, we receive requests from elementary schools in the city and conduct nature observation classes.
"Tocologist" is a harmonious English word meaning "expert of the place". I decide my field and go to it, learn about the place with various themes such as insects, birds, plants, history, etc., and aim to become an expert in that place.
I would like to increase the number of people who have an attachment to Inagi, with the keyword “tocologist”.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or are interested in the "Shiroyama Tocologist's Association", please use the "Contact Us" section of the "Shiroyama Tocologist's Association" website.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Greenery and Environment Division Telephone: 042-378-2111