Inagi City

Please use "Ikimono Log"

Last updated: June 21, 2021

The Biodiversity Center of the Ministry of the Environment operates the " Ikimono Log ," an Internet system that collects and provides information on living organisms throughout Japan.
By registering as a user, anyone can report observation information of living creatures (confirmation location, confirmation date, photos, etc.).

"Species name search support"

What is "species name search support"?

" Species Name Search Support " is a free service that helps you search for the names of living things.
If you post information and photos of where you found a creature whose name you do not know, you will receive comments from experts such as the name of the closest creature and points of identification.
Once you know the name of the creature, you can report it directly to the "Ikimono Log".

Implementation period

From April 28, 2021 to September 30, 2021
Note: Requests can be made up to 20 times per person during the implementation period
Note: User registration to "Ikimono Log" is required to use it.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about how to register for "Ikimono Log", please contact the management office below.
Ikimono Log Management Office   
Reception: Weekdays 10:00 to 17:00   TEL: 0555‐72‐8018 E-mail:

Ikimono log leaflet table

Ikimono log leaflet back

Please also use the "Inagi City Creature Photo Survey"

Please make use of the citizen survey manual " Inagi City Photo Survey of Creatures ", which includes basic preparations and precautions when going out to observe living creatures in familiar nature, and examples of how to distinguish living creatures seen in Inagi City. please give me.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Greenery and Environment Division Telephone: 042-378-2111