Inagi City

About hedges

Last updated: February 5, 2018

The function of hedges

Hedges not only increase the greenery in the area, but also have the effect of absorbing noise and softening the summer sun and glare. Also, there is no risk of collapse due to an earthquake.

Tree species often used for hedges

Beautiful flowers such as Japanese azalea, Deutsuki, Kaido, Doudan azalea, etc.
Beautiful fruits such as Sangoju, Soyogo, Kuroganemochi, etc.
Beautiful autumn leaves and new buds : Azalea, Nishikigi, Kanamemochi, etc.
Sakaki and others that are resistant to shade
Items that are resistant to sunlight and drought : Dodantsutsuji, Kanamomechi, Abelia, etc.
Japanese-style items such as Japanese cypress, black oak, and others
Western-style things such as Crested witch hazel

Time to build hedges

It is appropriate to create hedges at the time of transplanting seedlings.
Spring is before new buds appear (March to April)
conifers, deciduous broad-leaved trees
Summer is the rainy season when new buds are abundant (June to July)
evergreen broad-leaved tree
Large seedlings in autumn (September to October)
conifers, deciduous broad-leaved trees

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Town Development and Revitalization Division Phone: 042-378-2111