Last updated: April 1, 2021
Asbestos, also known as asbestos, is a natural mineral fiber. It is mainly used as a construction material, and its usage forms include sprayed asbestos and asbestos molded plates.
What you need to be careful about indoors is asbestos that has been sprayed on the walls and ceiling. Sprayed asbestos becomes more likely to scatter during demolition and as it ages.
Asbestos molded plates are fixed with cement, etc., so unless they are cut, they are unlikely to be dispersed into the atmosphere and pose no health hazard.
Although asbestos material itself is not toxic, inhaling asbestos fibers scattered during building demolition or renovation is said to cause health problems.
The consultation desk regarding asbestos is as follows.
City Hall, Living Environment Division, Environmental Conservation Section
Note: Prior notification is required for the demolition or renovation of buildings containing asbestos. For more information, please contact the Living Environment Division.
Minamitama Public Health Center Phone: 042-371-7661
Detailed information regarding asbestos can be found on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website or the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of the Environment website.
Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Living Environment Division Phone: 042-378-2111