Inagi City

Inagi City Guidance Guidelines for Asbestos Dispersion Prevention

Last updated: April 1, 2021

In order to ensure the health and safety of its citizens, the city has established guidelines for preventing the dispersion of asbestos in Inagi City during demolition and other construction work on buildings and other structures that use sprayed asbestos or asbestos-containing molded panels, etc.
As a result, in addition to regulations and notifications under the Air Pollution Control Act, the Ordinance to Ensure the Health and Safety of Tokyo Residents, and the Asbestos Harm Prevention Regulations, it will be necessary to inform nearby residents and notify the city.
When carrying out demolition or other work on a building or structure that contains asbestos, please read the guidelines carefully and, if necessary, inform neighboring residents and notify the city.

the purpose

 The purpose of this guideline is to ensure the health and safe living environment of citizens by preventing the scattering of asbestos during construction work such as demolition of buildings where sprayed asbestos or asbestos-containing molded plates are used. shall be.

Responsibilities of "clients," "independent contractors," and "primary contractors" regarding pre-inspection of demolition and other construction work (summary)

"Responsibilities of the orderer"
・"Responsibility of an independent contractor" to cooperate with the preliminary investigation conducted by the main contractor of the ordered demolition work etc. and bear the appropriate cost.
・It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to conduct a preliminary survey of demolition work, etc., and prepare and preserve the survey results.
・Conduct a preliminary investigation of the demolition work ordered, explain the investigation results in writing to the client, and save the investigation results.

If you provide explanations to nearby residents regarding "demolition work, etc.", please submit the report below.

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Living Environment Division Phone: 042-378-2111