Inagi City

Distributing special bags for diapers

Last updated: June 12, 2024

Diaper bags are distributed at city halls, child and family support centers, health centers, etc. Please use them.
Note: The diaper bag is a garbage bag for "paper diapers only". Put only paper diapers from which dirt has been removed into a bag and put it out on the day for combustible garbage.
Note: Please note that if the diaper bag contains other garbage, it cannot be collected.
Note: Diapers can also be disposed of in Inagi City designated collection bags (burnable garbage bags) in addition to diaper bags.

Distribution target person (those who use diapers and fall under any of the following)

Note: If you have a maternal and child health handbook and find it difficult to come to the distribution facility after giving birth, you can pick it up before giving birth.

Number of copies distributed

Up to 3 sets (30 tickets) per person per use

Permanent distribution facility

1. General Information Desk, 1st floor, City Hall (Higashinaganuma)
2. Living Environment Division, 3rd floor, City Hall (Higashinaganuma)
3. Hirao Branch Office (Hirao)
4. Wakabadai Branch Office (Wakabadai)
5. Child and Family Support Center
6. Regional Comprehensive Support Centers (1) Hirao (within Hirao Garden)
(2) Yanokuchi (Furatto Cafe Yanokuchi)
(3) Elegant Momiji Village (In Inagien Garden)
(4) Elegant Momura Branch Office (Inagi Naganuma Station)
(5) Koyodai
7. Health Center (Momura)
8. Life Support Service Center (1) Higashinaganuma (NPO Minori, under the Nambu Line overpass near Inagi-naganuma Station)
(2) Koyodai (Pawpaw Tree, Koyodai 6-chome housing complex)
9. Parent and Child Comprehensive Support Center (Koyodai)

distribution time

Weekdays (excluding national holidays and the New Year holidays) 8:30am to 5:00pm
Note: 1. The general counter on the first floor of City Hall (Higashinaganuma) also distributes flyers on the second Sunday and fourth Saturday of every month, when the counter is open.
Note: 6.(4) Elegant Momura Branch Office (Inagi Naganuma Station) is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Note: 8. (1) NPO Minori: 10:00-17:00 on weekdays, (2) Pawpaw Tree: 9:00-17:00 on weekdays
Note: These are also distributed at licensed daycare centers, some kindergartens, and some certified daycare centers, but only to facility users.

Distribution facilities that require prior application to the city hall

1.Second Cultural Center (Yanoguchi)
2. Fourth Cultural Center (Higashinaganuma)

Note: If you wish to pick up at the above facilities, please contact the City Hall Living Environment Division in advance with the necessary information (address, user name, date of birth, phone number, number of supplies, desired facility, desired distribution date and time). Please contact us to pick it up. Please note that depending on the facility, it may take up to 3 days from the time you apply until the bag arrives.

distribution time

Facility opening hours

(Reference) Collection method at the 2nd Cultural Center and the 4th Cultural Center

1 I want to pick up a diaper bag at the Second Cultural Center or the Fourth Cultural Center.

We convey necessary information (address, user name, date of birth, phone number, number of supply, desired distribution facility, desired distribution date and time) to 2 Living Environment Division by telephone or e-mail.
Note: Depending on the facility, the desired distribution date and time may be delayed by about 3 days from the application date.

3. The Living Environment Division will send the diaper bags to the facilities that wish to distribute them.

4 The diaper bag arrives at the facility that wishes to distribute it.

5 Go to pick up the diaper bag at the desired distribution facility on the desired date and time.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Living Environment Division Telephone: 042-378-2111