Inagi City

"Yuzuru" and "Yuzuru please" information exchange corner

Last updated: July 21, 2021

"Yuzurumasu" and "Yuzuru please" provide information to people who have items that are no longer used and are no longer needed at home , and to those who have necessary items, etc. , and promote reuse through the exchange of unused items. It is also an information exchange corner to reduce waste and effectively utilize resources.
"Yuzuru" and "Yuzuru please" registration cards are posted on the bulletin board next to the elevator on the 1st floor of Inagi City Hall.

"Yuzuru" and "Yuzuru please" information exchange corner usage guide

Who can use

Persons over 18 years of age who live in the city Note: Not for commercial use.

User manual

Note: If there is a problem with the content of the transaction , such as a breakdown, missing item, or other defect, please resolve it between the parties concerned.
The city does not take any responsibility , so please use it after understanding .

For those who want to register "Yuzuru" and "Please Yuzuru" information

Please download each reception registration card from the link below, fill in the necessary information, and submit it to the Garbage and Recycling Section of the Living Environment Division on the 3rd floor of the city hall, or apply by fax (042-378-3310). In addition, it is necessary to present something that can be verified such as an address when registering. If faxing, please send it together with the reception registration card.
(Documents that can confirm your address, etc.: driver's license, health insurance card, etc.)
Note: When applying by fax, please do not send documents that include your Individual Number.

For those who have an item you want to trade after viewing the registration information

Please bring your address and identification (driver's license, health insurance card, etc.) to the Garbage and Recycling Section of the Living Environment Division on the 3rd floor of the city hall. We will inform you of the necessary matters for the transaction (contact information of the registrant, etc.). (Please note that we do not answer by phone.)
Regarding the transaction status at the time of inquiry, we can answer by phone (accepting, completed, etc.), but there is a possibility that it will be closed due to misunderstanding.

Download the reception registration card

If you have items (unwanted items) that you would like to give away , please register using this form.

If you have items that you would like to transfer (necessary items) , please use this form and register.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Living Environment Division Telephone: 042-378-2111