Inagi City

We subsidize the purchase cost of "home garbage disposal container"

Last updated: April 1, 2022

Garbage accounts for about 40% of combustible garbage.
In city, we perform some furtherance of domestic garbage processing container.
The types of processing containers include the non-electric garbage composting container “Composter,” which can be used as compost in home gardens, and the indoor processing container “Kuutakun,” which eliminates garbage with the power of enzymes. there is. The electric type uses hot air from an electric heater to dry the food waste, reducing food waste. , and bio-type processing vessels that promote fermentation and automatically stir.
Food waste disposal containers can be subsidized even if they are purchased online, regardless of model or store.

Note: Before purchasing, please submit the “Application for Purchasing Garbage Self-Processing Containers” to the Living Environment Division.

Purchase application forms are distributed at the Living Environment Division and Hirao/Wakabadai branch offices. You can also download it from the PDF file at the bottom of the page.
After applying, the city will send you a purchase approval form and a set of necessary documents. Please note that if you purchase the container before the approval letter arrives at your home, you will not be eligible for the subsidy.

Who can receive the subsidy

(1) Living in Inagi City. However, offices, etc. are excluded.
(2) Residues generated from garbage disposal containers must be handled by the installer himself.
(3) Purchased and installed garbage disposal containers must always be kept in good condition and maintained and managed so as not to cause inconvenience to the surroundings.
(4) Subsidy procedures must be completed within the same fiscal year.

Subsidy amount

We will subsidize up to half of the purchase price regardless of the model or store. However, there is an upper limit (the upper limit is shown in the table below).
In addition, when there is a fraction less than 100 yen in the subsidy amount, the fraction will be rounded down.

seed   another Product name (example) Subsidy amount (upper limit)
Containers with a capacity of less than 190 liters, such as garbage composting containers and garbage reduction containers Composter (less than 190 type) Kuutakun etc. 3,000 yen
Containers with a capacity of 190 liters or more, such as garbage composting containers and garbage reduction containers Composter (190 type or more), etc. 6,000 yen
Electric Garbage Disposal Container (regardless of product name) 10,000 yen

Note: Subsidies can be applied for up to 2 units per household (up to 1 unit per household in the case of electric type). However, if 3 years have passed since the date of the previous issuance, it is possible to reapply.
In addition, since this system is issued within the budget for each fiscal year, the subsidy will be terminated if the planned number of units is exceeded.

Application method

(1) Purchase application

Please fill out the Application for Purchase of Garbage Disposal Container (separate sheet) and submit it to the Living Environment Division (fax is not accepted). We also accept mail.
After the screening, we will send you an approval form for purchasing the Inagi City Garbage Disposal Container and a set of necessary documents.

(2) Purchase of goods

When you receive the Inagi City Garbage Disposal Container Purchase Approval from the Living Environment Division, please purchase the garbage disposal container. ( Regardless of model or store )
At the time of purchase, please ask the retailer to fill out a sales certificate, or obtain a receipt stating the name of the purchaser, retailer, manufacturer, type of processing machine, and sales unit price.

(3) Subsidy request

Please submit the required documents within one month after purchasing the product. After the procedure, the subsidy will be transferred to the designated account. Please note that it will take a few days (approximately one month) from the examination to the transfer.

Image Electric Garbage Disposal Container
Electric Garbage Disposal Container

Image Composter (Non-Electric Garbage Disposal Container)
Compostor (non-electric garbage disposal container)

how to use

seed   another Main usage
Garbage composting container/
Garbage reduction container (non-electric garbage processing container)
(garbage composting container)
When the container is buried about 10 cm into the ground and fixed, and garbage is put in it together with dead leaves and leaf mulch, the microorganisms decompose it. .
(garbage reduction container)
Using a base material that contains digestive enzymes and bamboo chips, and stirring it well two to three times a day, the enzymes will decompose it and garbage will disappear.
Electric Garbage Disposal Container Typical ones are dry type and bio type.
(Drying type) Dry the food waste while stirring the water content of the food waste with warm air from an electric heater. No fermenting materials required.
(Biotype) Garbage is put into fermentation materials containing microorganisms, and the blades are rotated inside to promote fermentation and stir.

There are various other types, so please contact the store or manufacturer for details on how to use them.


Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Living Environment Division Telephone: 042-378-2111